Monthly Archives: April 2009

Welcome to PlanetChemistry

Thanks for dropping by.  Recently on my twitter page someone posed the very valid question “May I ask, what is it you do ? , (on your twitter) 🙂 to do with chemistry”. This comment reminded me that perhaps I had not really articulated anywhere in blogosphere what it is I do with regard to chemistry.

For the past 7 years I have been teaching introductory chemistry to year 1 undergraduates in the biosciences who are following programmes such as biology, biomedical science, dietetics, food and nutrition, human nutrition and pharmacology.

The experience has been a challenging yet rewarding one.  The challenge has been in relating to a heterogeneous student group with a rich edudiversity.  Many of the students come to University with good A-level grades in chemistry while others have had little experience of the topic at all.  The reward is in finding new and innovative ways to make the topic relevant to the courses studied and to equip students with sufficient chemical knowledge to take them to the next level of their degree.

Through this blog I hope to share some of the experiences gleaned along the way, but more importantly to learn from the experinces of other who have passed this way before and who have made student learning a much richer experience.